Colors of The Winds
BY EmilMatthew 06/07/17
如果说豪放类的歌曲正如苏轼的《赤壁赋》般,大江东去而奔涌向前;而婉约类的歌曲正如李清照的《声声慢》般,凄凄惨惨戚戚。那么,这首《Colors of TheWinds》可谓集豪放与婉约与一身:挥放之处,曲调陡转直上,给人以翱翔碧空的自由感;而婉转处,却留下一缕淡淡的愁思,令人有无穷的回味。在该曲的前奏处由一声短笛作引导,又为该曲凭添旷远与空灵之感。Vanessa Williams的歌喉圆润,饱满,她饱含真情的演唱令人无法抗拒。当然,最大的功劳当属为该曲配乐的大师Alan Menken以及为此曲填词的大师Stephen Schwartz。
Think you own whatever land you land on
Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life,has a spirit,has a name
Think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You learn things you never knew
You never knew
Have you ever heard the wolf cry
To the blue corn moon
Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned
Can you sing with all the voices
Of the mountains
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Come run the hidden pinet rails of the forest
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once never wonder what they're worth
The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers
And the heron and the other are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle in a hoop that never ends
Or let the eagle tell you where he's been
How high does the sycamore grow
If you cut it down,then you'll never know
And you'll never hear the wolf cry
Or whether we are white or copper-skinned
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
Need to paint with all the colors of the wind
You can own the Earth and still all you'll own is earth
Until you can paint with all the colors of the wind
http://www.sim.jx.cn/department/xxzx/ylkj/...lor_of_wind.mp3http://home.zsu.edu.cn/biochem/workers/abo...0the%20Wind.mp3 辛晓琪所唱的国语版
http://www.lymm.cn/dvbbs/UploadFile/2006-6...13512520240.mp3 〖参考〗
http://www.cctv.com/program/20031117/101396.shtml [1]关于《风中奇缘》
http://www.gouduo.com/works_1739.htmlhttp://www.whoosh.org/films/reviews/pocahontas.html [2]关于Vanessa Williams
http://loveaix.blogchina.com/5033136.htmlhttp://edu.mblogger.cn/jenna [3]关于Stephen Schwartz
http://www.stephenschwartz.com [4]关于Alan Menken