Sonnet 66 (William Shakespeare, 1564~1616) Tired with all these, for restful death I cry: As, to behold desert a beggar born, And needy nothing trimmed in jollity, And purest faith unhappily forsworn, And gilded honour shamefully misplaced, And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, And right perfection wrongfully disgraced, And strength by limping sway disabled, And art made tongue-tied by authority, And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill, And simple truth miscalled simplicity, And captive good attending captain ill. Tired with all these, from these would I be gone, Save that to die I leave my love alone. 十四行詩 第66首 (尤克強譯) 厭倦這一切 一死了之吧! 看到賢能生為乞丐 草包穿得富麗堂皇 真誠的誓言遭出賣 無恥的虛名被誤倡 純潔處女迫逼為娼 凜然大義蒙受羞辱 狗腿懦夫仗勢欺強 權貴專橫凌遲藝術 傻瓜裝博學指揮內行 樸實被譏為頭腦簡單 善良百姓還得服侍惡霸 厭倦這一切 一走了之吧! 只是我死了 誰陪伴我愛? 作者: kitsunegari 时间: 2003-9-2 21:57
thanks rae! i like it! especially "Tired with all these, from these would I be gone, Save that to die I leave my love alone."... so sad.. 作者: rae 时间: 2003-9-3 09:06
Same here, the last sentence is my favorite. 作者: 十指滑键 时间: 2003-9-4 16:16