

[ACP] 全新的模版系统
[ACP] + 新改良的编辑器
[ACP] + 新改良的规划及逻辑
[ACP] + 新 CSS 快取记忆方式
[ACP] 无限子版面
[ACP] Mail queue to allow bulk mail to be sent
[ACP] 可以让会员加入多个群组
[ACP] 工作经理自动执行程序
[ACP] 系统设定: 加入自订设定
[ACP] 系统设定: 搜寻系统设定
[ACP] 系统设定: 快速复原已变更的系统设定
[ACP] 汇入 / 汇出 XML 压缩表情图标包
[ACP] 汇入 / 汇出不良文字过滤
[ACP] 汇入 / 汇出自订 BBCode
[ACP] 重建工具: 重建文章内容
[ACP] 重建工具: 重建发表者名称
[ACP] 重建工具: 重建所有版面
[ACP] 重建工具: 重建所有主题
[ACP] 重建工具: 重建缩图
[ACP] 新附件经理:
[ACP] + 附件统计
[ACP] + 附件搜寻 / 移除
[ACP] + 附件 Mime-types 格式

[GLOBAL] 相对日期
[GLOBAL] Online forum users shows who is posting a new topic
[GLOBAL] Online topics users shows who is replying to the topic
[GLOBAL] 每页加上面版选择下拉式选单
[GLOBAL] Neater quick stats with collapsable main stats
[GLOBAL] 已阅读主题储存在数据库中
[GLOBAL] 选项: 使用名称或电子邮件地址登入论坛

[TOPICS] Multiple attachments with auto-thumbnail generation
[TOPICS] 在线/离线显示器
[TOPICS] Multi-Quote- ability to quote more than 1 post at a time
[TOPICS] 搜寻主题
[TOPICS] Ability to bypass the bad word filter
[TOPICS] Threaded mode view
[TOPICS] Linear plus mode view
[TOPICS] Skin dependent team icon images (optional)
[TOPICS] Skin dependent emoticons (optional)
[TOPICS] Skin dependent mime type images

[MODERATION] New in-line moderation (forums)
[MODERATION] New in-line moderation (topics)
[MODERATION] New easier to use multi-page split topic
[MODERATION] 移动文章至其它主题
[MODERATION] 同时移除多篇文章
[MODERATION] 文章隐藏 (未批准) 或显示 (批准)

[SEARCH] 改良全文搜寻 (不适用于中文 )
[SEARCH] Optimized with better search result display
[SEARCH] 新搜寻会员所有主题功能

[POSTING] Ability to attach files to polls when starting
[POSTING] Ability to perform mod actions when starting polls
[POSTING] Improved basic Mozilla editor (text at cursor)
[POSTING] Ability to put attachments inline with the post

[PM] 个人讯息可以加入附件
[PM] Ability to show CC users
[PM] Message count for each folder
[PM] 改良新 PM 通知

[UCP] Avatar resize now with GD image compression
[UCP] Photo resize now with GD image compression
[UCP] Ignore user feature


